Required documents for developed land If the transferred land has been developed with buildings, the following documents are to be submitted to the relevant Land District Office:
- The Building(s) Plans
- Site Development Plan - Building Floor Plan (Floor Area Plan for all floor levels) - Front / Back / Side View Plans of the building (Cross Section / Side / Elevation Plans)
- The building information
- Type of building (i.e. residential, mixed development, commercial, factory, workshop, warehouse) - Building Manager's name, address, company name and telephone number (where applicable) - Tenant's name for each building/ parcel/ unit (where applicable) - Rental value - Tenancy terms -start and end date of renting each building/ parcel / unit (where applicable) - Certificate of Building Insurance Premium - The latest Building Tax payment receipt for the land in the Municipal area (where applicable) - The receipts of building/s maintenance costs - The receipts (where applicable) of building/s management fees - cleaning, water supply, electricity, telephone, insect control (where applicable)
- For special buildings such as Hotels, Petrol Station, Cinemas, Commercial and Mixed Use Development:
- Financial Statements (for the last 3 years) - Profit and Loss Accounts (for the last 3 years)